RegistrationPassword reset
18 August 2024
Total number of players 20
Following the event1

Whirled Peas

Event type: Weekend Event , Organizer: SAASMaine

United States of America, Maine, Linneus, 2024-08-18

Events calendar

Event info

Organizer: SAASMaine
Location: United States of America, Maine, Linneus, 2024-08-18
Event type: Weekend Event
Number of players: 20
Expected index X 0
Ticket payment type Cash Payment
12 USD
Start date: 18.08.24
Start time: 8:00:00
End date: 18.08.24
End time: 15:00:00

Event rules description

The Op
The local police force is highly protective of their territory and feels that the federal government needs to stay out of their business, which has caused some friction as the feds come in to “better police” the area. This leads to … conflict.

As the FPF pushes in, the LPF offers heavy resistance, but is eventually driven back to their home base. After regrouping, the LPF is able to mount an offense to drive the FPF back. Then all hell breaks loose.

The Belligerents

  • Blue Team – Federal Police Force (FPF) who is tasked to bring order to the land.
  • Green Team – Local Police Force (LPF) who doesn’t want the FPF in their jurisdiction.