The Chambers is NOT what it used to be… 😢
After my last video on the devastating deforestation of The Chambers, I now want to show you the current state of the building itself. Not only has the cover been removed, but the structure is falling apart as well…
In this gameplay video, I’m lost, alone, and surrounded by enemies. My squad is gone, the battlefield is in ruins, and I have to fight my way through the chaos. This is Part 1 of my gameplay series – and it was a rough one!
Is The Chambers still a playable field? See for yourself!
The.field is pretty beaten up right now
but i do have to give some credir to the organisation there in talks with the owner and if the outcome is possitive there will be renovations !
i am trying to get in contact with the main organisation of the field after i finish my video series of this event to maybe see if i can use the videos wich are being viewed pretty good to gatter support from the community .
For allot of people this field has allot of history and might be a nice time and place to band together and collectively restore the field .
Maybe offering a free event day for a day of help to clean the place up there are still options in my opinion
That would be a good idea indeed. Getting the community together is important for things like this.