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21.06.2022 18:54
New video online: Unboxing big ICS Airsoft box - Sar9 - Dagger - Mars II
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Unboxing a big box,

ICS was kindly enough to send me some goodies. It has been a while since I was able to unpack a box like that, but it was worth the wait.

The box has some of the items that I have been waiting on for a while but due to Covid it was delayed. But finaly it's here!

The box contains:
SAR9 (2), a pistol that I have been waiting on for years. Ever since I saw it in the catalog, I wanted to test it.
Lightweight Dagger, the new lightweight rifle that will be perfect for CQB games.
Mars II, an improved version of the MARS. I always wanted to test one of the MARS series so now I have the chance to do that.

There were also some extra goodies in the box.

Enjoy the video

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