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07.05.2022 10:01
Bellum 2021 - Part 05 - Update,

The editing of Bellum 2021 - Part 05 is coming to an end. Gameplay videos are a lot of work to edit, but once I'm able to view the result, it's totally worth it.

The videos I make, about events like this, are a memory and a representation of what we did there. It's telling our story and to get that right, it takes time.

Thanks to B.I.F.F. for the thumbnail picture!

On my discord I post more updates about the process and how things are going. You can find that here:

Next week this video will be online on my Youtube Channel and you can find this here:

If you want to know what happened on Bellum before this video you can find the 4 previous parts on my channel.
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