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Berget 14 - Part 03 - Attack on Enemy base
25th Mountaineers

This is an older video that I transferred to my Verage Airsoft channel to have everything bundled in one account. This video was made in 2016 after Berget 14.

We pick up where we left off in the last video. We slept a few hours in the forest and went on our way. The combined attack on the enemy base with infantry and mech units had to go right to be successfull.

With every well planned mission there is always that chance that it will not go as planned...

In this video I had one of my most demanding solo runs after losing the rest of the squad. I managed to attack the base and take out some enemy soldiers and above all, I had an amazing time.

Harnosand is still one of the most beautiful fields I have ever played on and this video shows it.

So enjoy this, re-uploaded, video from Berget 14.
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