Team Event #01 - Mölnlycke
It was a day of nervously trying new things and hoping that the players would have a good day. I'm happy to say that most things went alright.
Team Events is a new concept I want to try in Sweden. I have been doing it for a while in Belgium and it was always a success. Still a new country, new community does not make for an easy recreation and expect to have the same results. Players need to understand why I do certain things.
It's not a secret sauce, I already made a video explaining what I'm doing and how.
Back to yesterday,
We had 13 people registered for the game and 9 showing up. There were a few people sick, which happens. That lower number made it extra hard to change up the things I had already planned to do.
Usually there are 6 teams, I went back to 3 to be able to have some flexibility in the missions to come. Players decided to play with unbalanced teams of 2, 3 and 4 people. Which was interesting to see how that was going to turn out.
I did get the questions why I didn't join the game and a simple answer on that was, I want to, but I don't because I want to focus on the game itself and see how the missions evolve to be able to stop and change them if needed. I can 100% focus on the game to create the best day possible.
The missions are balanced missions made for the respawn rules and the 6 teams roaming the field. We started with a domination round, then we played a card game, an attack/defence game, an intel game and a short fun active game. I try to bring as much variation as possible and keep the breaks between games to none. The teams usually get the mission through the Ares Alpha app and don't go back to spawn or safezone.
The rulebook is not that difficult but there are some interesting changes. There are different roles in each team, I plan to make a short video about this game and will go a bit deeper into the different roles and respawn rules. It's those little tweeks that create the Team Event games.
Because we used Ares Alpha, the full game can be re-watched by the players that participated to see how close they were to a contact and how surrounded they were at certain points. Another reason why I love Ares Alpha as much as an organiser.
One important thing about games like this, it's a perfect test game to see if you are ready to operate and ora squad or fireteam. As a Teamleader your decision are important for the flow of your team. Again a bit more info about that in the upcoming video.
It was a good day and I take the feedback with me to improve next time. Thank you for trying this out with an open mind and I look forward to the next one!
You can find my upcoming games on Airsofter World ( and my website (
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