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24.09.2024 15:22
On BB weight
What weight should I use? Conventional wisdom would dictate that you would use the heaviest weight your hop can, well, hop. For the simple reason that this is the way to more or less ensure the optimal range for your replica. And, to a lesser extent, the influence of wind etc on the trajectory of your bb.

And that’s not necessarily wrong, but I would argue that it’s incomplete. Specifically it neglects the aspect of speed in favor of range. So why is speed important? There’s one obvious reason and one less obvious. The obvious reason is that you don’t want people to go all ‘Matrix’ when you shoot at them and simply side step your shots.

The less obvious reason comes into play when you have multiple replicas that also have different energy values. If your replicas all shoot at different speeds because they have different energy values, you need to train your brain separately for each of them to lead your shots when the target is moving. Instead I’ve tried to even them out at about 95m/s across all energy values. Therefore I can predict the shot pretty well, whether I’m shooting with a 1,5J higher powered build and .32, a DMR type build at 1.7J and .36, or a CQB build of 1.2J and .28. They all even out between 92m/s and 98m/s. True, there is still some variance in speed there, but it seems workable all around. This works for me for general use and use in outdoor areas.

For purely indoor areas, it might actually be beneficial to use very light bbs. There is no wind and the obstacles generally tend to be massive. So no leaves or branches to make your path deviate. The added speed of a lighter bb might also make it easier to hit moving targets. Since the targets are probably closer and also moving, you might not have to lead at all when you are using .20 for instance. As an added bonus, lighter bbs are usually also cheaper.

So there you have some consideration regarding bb weight. What do you think? What weights do you use and why? Feel free to comment down below!
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