19th SFG CIF
Every Special Forces Group (Airborne) (SFG(A)) includes a Combatant Commanders In-extremis Force (CIF) Company. The CIF is a specially-trained and resourced element that is focused on Direct Action (DA) / Counter Terrorism (CT) missions. This role includes both training foreign tactical units in DA / CT techniques and carrying out DA / CT operations themselves, often with partner nation forces.
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25 infantry division 2004
Западный блок
25th Infantry Division, 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team "Warriors", 1st Battalion, 21st Infantry Regiment "Gimlets", A Co.
DCU, Black Nylon Military BDU Belt, ALTAMA Type II Hot Weather Combat Boots
Polartec Cold Weather Military Fleece Jacket, ECWCS Parka Cold/Wet Weather - BDU - Woodland
Patrol Cap
Nomex Flight Gloves
Point Blank IBA OTV Woodland (with groin and neck protection), MOLLE: Mag Pouch Woodland, Frag Grenade Pouch Woodland, Canteen Carrier Utility Pouch Woodland, TACTICAL TAILOR Zipper Utility Pouch Coyot Brown(IFAK)
Camelbak M.U.L.E.
Mich 2000, MSA Reversible Helmet Cover Woodland BDU/Desert DCU, Norotos NVG Mount, Cat eyes Helmet Band, Goggle Retention Straps
Wiley X SG-1
M4A1 (KAC 7" M4 R.I.S, An/paq-4C, Eotech 552, KAC Vertical Grip), Beretta M92 (Safariland 6004, Black LC2 Pistol Belt)
Coyote Brown Gaiter Neck, Bijan Knee Pads Woodland