RegistrationPassword reset
1 June 2024
Total number of players 1
Following the event4


Event type: Weekend Event , Organizer: SunneAirsoft

Sweden, Värmland, Sunne, 2024-06-01

Events calendar

Event info

Organizer: SunneAirsoft
Location: Sweden, Värmland, Sunne, 2024-06-01
Event type: Weekend Event
Polygon: Sunne airsoft
Number of players: 1
Expected index X 2
Ticket payment type Cash Payment
Start date: 01.06.24
Start time: 10:00:00
End date: 01.06.24
End time: 17:00:00
Parties and contributions :


  • Red
    0 min.
    20 SEK.
  • Blue
    0 min.
    20 SEK.

Event rules description

Regular Saturday game, Bodega will be open with drinks and burgers