The weekend was good!
Saturday started slow with a very small crowd for the Team Event in Bockaby. Just before game start 5 more people showed up and that changed the mood of the day. We played up till we could not see anything anymore and had a good talk after the game.
I have a special way of looking at airsoft, which might not be the same as other people. I have my way of organising events and what I want for the players that are joining in. Being able to share that to people is important to keep growing. I was happy to be able to do just that on Saturday.
It's meeting people and growing that community that I love to do. I met awesome new people this weekend and look forward to kick ass again with them on coming events.
While the game in Bockaby was a completely different style and pace than the Frysen game, both have their time and place. That it's why it's important to know what game you sign up for. So your expectations for the game are met and you can leave the game with a satisfied feeling.
Bockaby was very 'small' team based while Frysen was Chaos, in a good way.
Next Sunday I'm back at Frysen for part 3 of the supergames and I'm hosting that game and very excited to do so. Be sure to get your ticket on the Frysen website and join in for another round of controlled chaos. The next Team event is planned in February in Mölnlycke, more information of both events here,
I did not take a lot of pictures because it was a bit hectic.
See you all in the next one!
Oh, check my YouTube channel for the longest video I ever posted, the full Berget 18 video. It's 3h and 12min long, enjoy!
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Had really good time both at bockaby and frysen. Amd your games are aöways awsome.