At the beginning of this week I was presented with a link to a page of the Belgian organizer Paintball Valley in Zwevegem. This page informs you that according to new regulations from the Benelux Council (yes really, that dinosaur still exists), P1 pyrotechnics such as smoke grenades and bangers, better known as pyros, must be banned from airsoft fields. I made a post on my website (translation option at the bottom right)
Shitty enough if you live in Belgium, the Netherlands or Luxembourg but keep in mind that this can be a precursor for al all countries in the EU because it's EU legislation that bans all T1 and P1 pyrotechnics from non-authorized users ea. airsofters.
So keep an eye out and try to keep smokes and bangers legal in your country!
I don't understand. Tier 1 fireworks arent that dangerous and arent that big of a deal, in my opinion. Why is it that everything must get banned? The majority of users are either children or airsofters who use T1 fireworks.