Another Airsoft weekend has passed and again I had the chance to talk to numerous airsofters and a new organiser. Spreading the word about Airsofter World and presenting myself to the Swedish airsoft community is an important part of what I want to do in the future.
I'm looking forward to start organising my first event here and many more in the future. That's why that connection to the different communities is so important.
By talking to different people you realise how splintered airsoft is, not only in Sweden but all around the world. That's why I work so hard to get everyone to start talking and grow airsoft as a hobby.
Between the 2 games we had a nice BBQ with friends, perfect in between thing to enjoy the sunny weather.
This weekend I was present at Bockaby organised by Bogartpojkarna and on Sunday I met the people behind VSAF. Thank you all for the interesting conversations. Next time I'll join you for a game instead of just popping by.
No plans yet for next week but after that I plan to go to the Stockholm area and have a few talks & games there.
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