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05.05.2023 20:19
BERGET 17 - Part 05 - Take the Hill
Video link:

The last part that I needed to transfer from the old channel to the new. With this part, Berget 17 is complete on this channel. This means you can watch the complete series here and go back a few years to enjoy the game.

In this part we're send out to take the hill close to Control Point 04. When we have control over this point, we have an advantage in the area. We can spawn close to their base, but also, they can't spawn in that area. In preparation for the next mission it was critical to keep that area under our control.

But before we even make it to that hill, we run into an ambush and take a lot of casualties.

Follow us on our journey at Berget 17!

Enjoy the video.

I know, there are no subtitles available for this part. Something must have gone wrong while transfering the files.
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