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01.11.2022 10:17
A Halloween special,
Video link:

This game was hosted in 2018 in The Shelter (B). Once every few years we (25th Mountaineers) host a Zombienight game. They are all different but one common thing, giving the player an amazing evening and zombies.

I made this video as a memory for the players that were there, but I noticed that it's not easy to follow if you weren't there. So I decided to give the full story on what happened and how it happened. So you don't only get the video, but also some intro, the back-story, the teasers and some more information of what is going on.
Zombienights are not random events happening. It's an event that is created by teamwork and dedication from the people there. The storyline can be super but if your players are not into it, it will fail.

Zombienight 2018 was amazing. Awesome people, a simple but good storyline and awesome extras.
Maybe it's time to start thinking at a new Zombienight...

Enjoy the video!
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