23 February 2025, Team Event report.
Where we usually have 6 teams, today we had 3 teams fighting to complete the objectives in the best way possible.
Before the scores and how the day went, I first want to say a big thank you to VSAF for the combined mission and the communication between organisers.
We missed each others dates on the calendar and played on fields, next to each other. Even though we had a complete different set up, we came together before the event to discuss a combined mission and after that mission, we go back to our sides and do our thing.
This is what I love to see, a community talking to each other and creating games for the players.
Now, back to the Team Event.
The event consist out of missions, given to the TL, that then explains things to their team. There are different roles in the team and special respawn rules to keep teams together.
The first game, Cards, had good fights between teams where teams push their opponent to steal their cards. At the end, the team with the most cards wins the round.
Red team, 22
Blue team, 22
Yellow team, 16
Second game, Hunt, where VSAF came in play to hunt the small teams and collect their tags. The VSAF teams had UAVs to locate the teams that were using Ares Alpha. It was interesting to see the different style of all the small teams, Red chose to go for the 'offensive is the best defence' which was surprising because the VSAF teams were 3 times their size. Blue decided to keep moving all around the map ( even the rivers were not a problem ). Yellow found themselfs to be the ham between a VSAF ham sandwich.
Red team, lost 1 tag
Blue team, lost 0 tags
Yellow team, lost 1 tag
A quick lunch break and we're back on our feet for an short Attack/Defence that because of the special respawn rules is a tactical endeavor to complete. Blue and Yellow pushed hard from different sides but Red held tight and managed to hold the point for 30min, winning this mission.
One of the pictures shows the medical system in action to bring a team back up in a difficult situation.
Next up, Poker, where players need to visit 6 different spots on the map and take one card out of each container to complete the best had, together with 2 cards from the dealer. A sneaky mission where you can avoid or seek contact. This time, all teams avoided contact and sneaked around each other with sporadic firefights.
Funny enough this was a tie with 2 teams bringing in the same hand.
Yellow: Double Pair
Red: Double Pair
Blue: Pair
To end of the game, a simple round of Domination around one point. The terrain was different and not much played on during the event, that made it interesting for all teams to maneuver trough it.
Red: 72%
Blue: 0%
Yellow: 27%
If you were at the game and had Ares Alpha active, you can review the whole game on the website. This give a very interesting insight of how the game went and how close you were to a contact. https://www.ares-alpha.com
A perfect airsoft day with a lot of tired and happy faces. Seeing people going for the mission and working in a team is nice and what the Team Events are all about. The next Team Event is planned 18 May, https://airsofter.world/en-us/game/3755
The next A Verage Event is in 2 weeks, where start with The Shattering event series in Bockaby, https://airsofter.world/en-us/game/3706
More information about all the games, check my calendar or Airsofter World. https://verageairsoft.com/events/
Check out Ares Alpha for the awesome props and tools!
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