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25.11.2024 16:46
Last few days I worked a lot on things that I needed to get up to date. Step by step I'm getting there.
New games have been added to the events calendar. Games I organise but also events that I will visit. This is the easiest way to keep track of where you can find me. There are more things on the agenda but I need some more details to add them. The calendar is being updated as soon as I have the information.

Besides the calendar update in the event section, there is a big update on the type of events I will organise in the near future. I noticed that while the games make sense to me, because I made them, it's not always easy to understand what they are all about. So I added extra pages that explain the different game modes.

More will be added when more things get finalized. Information can be found about 'Team Events', 'The Shattering' and 'Airsofter World Games'. You can find them in the 'Event' section on my website.

It's nice to have some structure again. While moving forward those things are often forgotten. The rainy weather made me sit down and focus on these important aspects.
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