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19.09.2024 10:40
The livestream on the Airsofter World Games was a first test to test the stream but 2 people also ran GoPros and recorded a few rounds. I'm stitching those camera angles together to get a multicamera perspective.

I have learned some interesting lessons and I'm working on overlays to keep track of who you're following.

- Timecode the cameras or at least know which round you are filming.
- Make sure there a start signal in all cameras
- Get the footage at the game site, not after.
- Get the livestream footage from the main cameras
- Record the full ares alpha game for each round
- How to work with overlays for different angles
- Number cameras and players for easy processing

and I only just began with this video so there will be a lot more coming up.

Everything we try is to bring airsoft to everyone so they can follow the game and see what we do. This is all part of the bigger connection between airsoft communities around the world.
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