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01.09.2024 11:00
Reserve your spot for the upcoming Airsofter World Games!

I know some teams and people are going back and fort if this is something for you and what if you don't have a full team?

The test games we're running are specifically to listen to the players feedback and adjust the scenarios and rulebook to perfect it as good as possible for the 2025 national championships.

The AWG is for every player that likes teamwork and wants to do that little extra more on game days. Using communication and planning together with 4 other people to complete the mission in the best way possible.
Even if you don't have a full team, pick the 'no team' team and you'll get a spot in a team.
We have 2 test games up, at this moment. More countries are joining and testing their scenarios too.

Even though this is in Belgium and Sweden, if you're from another country and you want to join, reserve your spot.

People struggled finding the rulebook, here is the link:

Post your questions here below and I'll get back to you.
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