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25.08.2024 21:16
Airsoft weekend and it was good!
I didn't play myself but I did got the chance to talk about my upcoming event (Airsofter World Games) and take pictures in 2 different arenas. Yesterday you could see the pictures from Bockaby and today there are pictures from Frysen.

The main reason for my trip to Frysen was to test out the livestream system that will be used during the AWG in September. Everything worked out perfectly, I just have to fix a small little thing. We tested 2 different livestreams and you can rewatch a part of it here,

After 2 hours of setting up, testing and breaking down everything I got into the arena and took some pictures up till the lunchbreak which my queue to hit the road again. There are a few pictures in this post and you can find the full album here:

Another good and sunny day with a lot of happy faces playing airsoft. I love to show the positive side of our hobby and share that to as many people as possible.

Next week I will be visiting a new field a little more south to actually play a game and do a little bit of talking.

Thank you Sofia for the help and company!
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