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22.07.2024 14:52
Not everything I do for airsoft is always 'right in your face'. Some things take a lot of time but don't always show. I do want to point out one of those things I was working on today, one of the many ongoing things I support.

A few weeks ago we had problems with our Belgian Airsoft Association website. After calling and mailing, things got 'fixed' but that started a ray of problems. More hours were spend to find all the problems and fix them one by one to restore everything as it was. It's not done yet but it's getting closer to the finish line.

AAB (Belgian Airsoft Association) is one of those things that I support because it's something we need and finding people willing to put time and effort into it, isn't easy. A lot of tasks fall onto the same small group, which can be a lot sometimes. Still we keep rocking and keeping airsoft safe and legal.

As a player you can give support to your association as a member, the member fee is used for the operation of the association and prepare for battles whenever we will need it, again. So be sure to check out our, almost bug free again, website at
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