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19.06.2024 09:50
I'm super excited to host games again!

Ever since I started playing airsoft, I started hosting games. I don't know why but it feels good to prepare a full day of missions and trying my best to give the players an awesome day.

Because of other airsoft related things, I wasn't able to do it a lot anymore but with the move to Sweden, it was one of the things I wanted to pick up again. So here is a first one (soon another will be online too). Thanks to Frysen we can do this on their awesome outdoor CQB field.

It's not only the game itself but I'm also pushing Airsofter World as hard as I can to provide a solid base for airsoft in the world. Sweden is a perfect place to do this and that's why the registrations are done on Airsofter World. Make an account and register for the game.

Game info can be found by following this link (use the desktop version, the mobile version is a WIP):

If you have any questions, ask me.
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