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20.12.2023 07:46
Yes it does. Instagram sucks major donkeyballs. On a daily basis we get swamped with ads who are obvious scams. On a daily basis we get swamped with "recommendations" we never asked for. Instashit is shoving the most stupid and mind numbing content down our throats.

I am an airsofter and i want to see content from my fellow airsofters i follow instead shit instashit deems to be apropriate for me.

Wonderfull people like my very dear friend SkinnyBitch with well over 40K followers who is outright shadowbanned by instashit because (at least i guess) she plays airsoft and makes posts about it. And airsofters use toy guns which are, according to instashits moral knights, very VERY dangerous.

And she is not the only one. Very often i notice a post from a fellow airsofter disapears after a short while from my timeline or even worse, is never shown on my timeline.

Can anybody tell me, why oh why do we put up with company's like instashit/facebork/Youdroop who decide for us what we can and can't see like 6 year old children who have to be supervised.

That was my pre-christmas rant for this year, now back to our regular program. :-)
Showing 1-1 of 1 item.
20.12.2023 15:6
That's why we are here :)