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04.12.2023 17:51
I always loved making games. Creating something where the player will have an amazing day, that has been my goal for all the events I did or helped with.

Some of the most special games were the Zombienights. Different versions have been done, every single one was different from the other. As an game maker I searched for the best way of getting inside of the players head and make them as miserable as possible, while they still had fun doing it.

Last weekend a person, that was present on the last zombienight, came up to me and said that The Zombienight was still his best event he has done. He keeps talking about it to his friends, keeping the memory alive. That twinkle in his eye when he talked about it gave me goosebumps.

That, exactly that is why I put so much energy in making the game and working on details. Together with the whole team we managed to create an amazing evening for everyone present.

On my YouTube channel, I made a video explaining what happened during the last zombienight and how to get in the players mind and keep the game going.
Click the link to see it:

It's something that I want to get back into, so there will be games in Sweden when we've settled down.
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04.12.2023 21:17

That sounds so cool! Sounds like I need to go to Sweden as well if I want to attempth these games! :D

04.12.2023 21:42

Haha, yes!