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31.07.2023 18:38
Played this weekend at Bunkerhill by 3Division!

I went there for the first time to play a game, and even tough it was pissing down rain from time to time and the field was very unknow for me, it was a great day!

This field is very Milsim based. There will be created 3 teams all with 1 person having radio communication with the CO. The CO gave the exact mission details, and sends squads to reenforce one and another! (The CO was a in game Marshall).

There were also 2-3 support vehicles who would support the team that had the most causalities or was about to be pushed away so hard.

Overall it was a great day! This organizer also offers full weekends with a evening skirm on the saturday.

Can absolutely reccomend!

(The picture is not mine, its off of thier's Facebook. I didnt make any pictures of myself :) )
Showing 1-2 of 2 items.
05.08.2023 11:27

Bunker Hill is a great field and 3D is an awesome orga.

31.07.2023 20:43

I really need to check out 3division. I hear a lot of good things about that place/organiser.

02.08.2023 16:7

Absolute reccomendation! Let me know in time, I'll be there too if you're good whit that! :D

02.08.2023 20:19

Will do!