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21.03.2023 17:41
IWA 2023 - It was AWESOME!
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It was finally time again to pack our bags and leave for Germany. Last time was in 2019 and a lot has changed in those few year. Lisa and me took 3 days to visit all the things we wanted to see.

I can tell you, we needed a lot more time to see everything and talk with everyone that we wanted to see. In this video I will not show you all the new fancy things on IWA, I will show you the things were I took out my camera and film stuff. Believe me, there is a lot more to show, but we ran out of time.

I talked to a lot of people about all my airsoft projects and it was awesome to finally do that. Because I, as Verage Airsoft, has grown a lot and it was interesting to see how people reacted to it. I was suprised how many people had seen my videos and knew what I was doing.

I want to thank everyone that took the time to listen to what I had to tell and gave me the needed feedback. I'm looking forward to IWA 2024!

Who else is coming next year?

Enjoy the video!
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