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17.12.2022 18:22
Last days to cast your vote!

Airsoft Player Choice Awards by Popular Airsoft is an online voting thing for airsoft stuff. It's a worldwide recognition for the contributions done by the people in the airsoft scene.

There are different categories but the ones that apply on me are "Best Airsoft Channel" and "Special Player Award (Male)".

With my channel I show what airsoft is and how I play airsoft. I assembled a lot of knowledge during the 16 years of playing. If you like what I'm doing consider voting "Verage Airsoft" as "Best Airsoft Channel".

I'm also getting votes for the nomination as "Special Player Award (Male)". Creating Airsoft United & Airsofter World, board member of the Belgian Airsoft Association, organizing events, ICS Captain, and creating videos are some of the things I do in airsoft.

Since I started playing, I have been working, mostly in the background, to keep airsoft what it is and make it better and stronger. Climbing out of the shadows will make it possible to do even more, this is why I push myself forward in those 2 categories.

If you want to help me, consider voting for me in those 2 categories.

Link to cast your votes:

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