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05.10.2022 11:52
New video online: What is Bellum? - 400 player milsim in Sweden
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What is Bellum?

The second video in the series where I give information about events I go to.

I have been to Bellum 4 times and every single one of them was awesome. With this type of videos I want to give you the facts about Bellum. You can find gameplay from Bellum on my channel too.

Bellum is a game for everyone, from the first timer to the veteran that has been playing for years. It's a big event with the focus on having fun.

Enjoy the video
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06.10.2022 18:2

it was awesome too have you as plutonleader. cant wait until next Bellum event

06.10.2022 21:53

Thank you. It was a first time to control such a big unit in the field, at the same time. I have learned a lot.
The squads did an amazing job and it was actually easy because people did what they had to do.