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23.09.2022 19:56
Sooooo. A while back there was another discussion about politics in airsoft. Why, for example, Russian gear should suddenly no longer be allowed to cough Bullshit Cough etc etc etc etc. With that in mind I started looking and I have come to the conclusion that in the future I will use as much gear from the army of Elbonia as possible. The gear will consist of pants, jacket, combat shirt in kreutzotter (yes, the one from Novritsch) now a ranger green plate carrier (maybe also become a Novritsch) and of course my trusty HK416 A5. And of course the Elbonian patches should not be missing. All hail Elbonia.
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24.09.2022 8:25
It's an interesting topic to talk about. I'm a big fan of keeping all politics out of Airsoft. Not using real countries or conflicts in normal events. I know there are historical events, so that's fine.