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27.12.2021 20:09
Sometimes it's the little things...
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A lot of the stuff that I do, I take for granted. It's always something that people told me, something that I read somewhere or just something that I started doing after all those years.

In this new series of short (1 minute) videos I will show tips and tricks that I learned along the way.

The first one is 'How to fill your Hydration bladder'.


How to fill your Hydration Bladder,

A Hydration Bladder is one of the ways we carry water, with us, in the field. But are you doing it right?
In this short video I show you how to fill your Bladder correctly.

In this series of videos I go over little things that will help you. In very short videos I will explain some basic and advanced stuff I use in Airsoft.

Enjoy the video
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