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29.11.2021 21:26
New video online!
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OP Domination 2 - Easy, Simple, Fun! - Airsoft Gameplay
I did a lot of new stuff in this video. It would be nice to have some feedback from you on those things (feedback on other things is also good). Just enjoy the video and let me know if some of the things, listed below stood out or bothered you or helped you to understand what was going on.
- Small intro pre game footage
- Filming myself to give a bit info about the event
- Narrating some parts of the video
- Using ingame drone shots
- Some fancy overlays (point stuff out)
- Subtitles only for non english parts (so mostly ingame stuff)
- Outro 'coming in part 02'
OP Domination 2,
Finaly back in the woods to pew with some friends. This game was an easy, simple and fun game that was mission driven. Everyone went for the mission and that makes for a completely different vibe during the game.
The game started at 10h and lasted untill 17h. There was no break so we had to stay in the field for 7h. So I took my Helikon Ratel pack and went to the spawn.
Our team was 25th Mountaineers, Army of Friends and some other friends.
I'm playing with my ICS CXP ARK and ICS BLE XMK.
This video is the first part of this small video series. You asked to make a bit shorter videos instead of one long one. Well, here is the first part.
I also tried a few new things while editing the video.
- I used the drone to capture ingame footage
- I give more info (talking) during the video
- There is a short pre game intro
- Some fancy overlays
I'm trying those things to make sure the videos are easier to follow for everyone. If you have any remarks about it, let me know in the comments.
Enjoy the video.
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